DVD Ludilo

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24. 02. 2011.

Stephen King kolekcija - 9 DVD

  1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 
  2. The Shining (1980)
  3. The Green Mile (1999)
  4. Misery (1990)
  5. The Mist (2007) 
  6. Running Man (1987)
  7. Carrie (1976) 
  8. "The Stand: The Plague (#1.1)" (1994) 
  9. "The Stand: The Dreams (#1.2)" (1994)  
  10. "The Stand: The Betrayal (#1.3)" (1994) 
  11. "The Stand: The Stand (#1.4)" (1994)  
  12. Dolores Claiborne (1995) 
  13. Storm of the Century" (1999)  
  14. 1408 (2007) 
  15. It (1990)
  16. Salem's Lot (1979) (TV)
  17. Secret Window (2004) 
  18. The Running Man (1987)  
  19. Pet Sematary (1989) 
  20. "The Shining" (1997)
  21. Needful Things (1993)
  22. The Langoliers (1995) (TV) 
  23. Thinner (1996)  
  24. Dreamcatcher (2003)
  25. Desperation (2006) (TV)
  26. The Tommyknockers (1993) (TV)
  27. Children of the Corn (1984)
  28. The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer (2003) (TV) 
  29. Graveyard Shift (1990)  
  30. Rose Red (2002)
  31. The Diary of Elen Rimbauer (2003)

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